Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Lord Keeps His Promises

God never made a promise that was too good to be true. ~Dwight L. Moody

I have so much for which to be thankful to my Lord. Two years ago my husband lost his job the first week of December. When things like that happen, I tend to worry, but also I wonder what my Lord has in store for us; I ride up and down the roller coaster of tearful fear to joyful anticipation. As I usually do for such things, I fasted and prayed often for the following weeks. I prayed for three things in particular: That my husband would get another job before his severance pay ran out. That he would make enough that we could live off of it and I could continue homeschooling. Plus, not just a job, but one that he would love and also where he would be recognized and promoted.

The Lord answered me quite specifically also. We knew that his former boss, the one who had to fire him against his wishes, was working out the details of changing jobs himself and was interested in hiring my husband at soon as that might be possible, supposedly in the mid summer. When I prayed about this, my Lord told me that my husband would be hired before the severance ran out, but not by his former boss; He told me it would be the former boss' boss and that my husband would be promoted within two years. He also told me not to bother looking for a job for myself as it was not in His plan that I should work at that time. I was to continue homeschooling and trusting Him.

Well, I did apply at a few places even so, but I was not called at all, so I continued homeschooling and trusting Him. This was all against what I thought the responsible thing to do would be. If someone had asked my advice, I would have told them that both people should be looking for a job, any job. Worse, this was the advice everyone else was giving me, even people I know who pray and listen to the Lord. This probably was the most difficult part of all for me, but during that time, my Lord reminded me that even the Christians I trust the most may not have prayed about this specifically and may not be speaking His words, but advising me with limited human understanding. I was to rest on His promise.

The week we received my husband's last severance paycheck, I saw the sign for which I had been asking for months. I asked to see a hawk from my back deck just within feet of me and that same week a hawk's cry called me out to the back deck and then it swooped down within just a few feet of me. I just knew the time had come. My husband was asked to be interviewed for a job for which he had not even applied, and he was offered the job at that one and only interview. And...he was hired by his former boss' boss, just as my Lord had told me months before.

Although he makes less than he used to do, we have managed to live on it: all the bills get paid, we are able to afford the necessities, and still are working on paying off our debt, although slower than we hoped. We don't have much extra and it would be easier having a second vehicle, but we have been comfortable and have worked out getting by with the one minivan for two years.

This job also answered a prayer my husband had for some years, which was to visit Israel (something I thought was impossible financially for years into the future, if ever). He has been required to go to Israel for training and he has since been there a few times and will be going again. He travels quite a bit with this job and that is a hardship, but we manage it well.

Now the time has come that my husband has been recognized and he has been promoted to a specialist job that surprisingly skipped a few levels. He will still be traveling, perhaps not as often, but perhaps more internationally. He was again hired by the same manager, who first hired him and had been moved up to manage this higher level of specialists.

I don't doubt my Lord, but I doubt myself. I wonder sometimes if I really am hearing my Lord, and more often if I heard Him correctly, which is why I ask for specific signs at times. I often feel undeserving—very undeserving—but still I beg things of Him and how gracious He is to give me the things for which I ask. No, I have no doubts at all that He spoke to me about these things and then He did what He promised. I just wish I would not worry and just rest on Him. He is so close.

~ My Lord, so many people think You are so far away and that You don't talk to each one of us. I pray those who visit this blog will know that You are not only hearing them when they cry out to You, but are near to them and their concerns, ready to guide and show Your love, ready to make promises and fulfill them. Thank you for not only keeping the promises You gave me, but for giving them to me so that I would know that is was You, Who provided them. ~