Thursday, September 3, 2009

First 4-H Meeting of Year Two

I pledge
My head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service, and
My health to better living,
For my club, my community, my country, and my world. ~4-H Pledge

All the members were introduced by one of the leaders. Each wrote their names and other information on a slip of paper handed to them as they came in the door. One of the questions asked for them to tell something fun about themselves. The majority said they like to ride horses, as if that was not expected.

The Princess is definitely blessed. Last year at the very first meeting for the 4-H Horse and Pony Club we attended, the Princess' ticket was drawn with a few others to pick a prize and it happened again this year at the kick off meeting. She picked a horse figurine and correctly identified it as an Arabian.

The Arabian is the first breed of horse she has studied in the Beautiful Feet curriculum History of the Horse. Now she seems to pick this particular breed out easily with its saucer shaped head profile and high-carried tail.

After paying the membership fee, we received our packet with a calendar of events and we could be very busy. There is an event the weekend after this one and one every weekend in October! We may not be available for all of them obviously.

~ My Lord, I am so excited for my daughter to have the opportunity to enjoy horses, become acquainted with others who love horseback riding, serve in the community, and learn about leadership. Thank you for providing this opportunity for her. ~