Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Answers for Birbitt

Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them. ~Dr. Ralph Gerard

Birbitt was tagged by Ganeida, as I was, and she made up some questions so this is for her.

1. What one talent do you not have, that you very much wish you did?

Everything with music. I love to sing for the Lord, but really do not have the voice for it. I probably could have with training when I was younger, but some years ago I stressed my vocal cords speaking in lectures. I sing anyway, but I am very limited.

Also, playing piano, guitar, and others. I have some knowledge but not that driving desire that musicians need, I suppose. I am learning much along with my daughter as she takes piano, but I do not practice like she does.

2. What is the one thing people do that bothers you most?

I am so trying not to go there in my thoughts right now. The one thing I do that bothers me is that I so readily see what bothers me in other people instead of seeing past it.

3. Where is the one place you'd like most to visit before you leave this earth behind, and what about that place most draws you to it?

This one, I am not so sure about. My husband wanted to see Israel and God gave him a job where he has to go to Israel now and then! We all have passports and I love seeing new places, but I cannot think of a place I really just want to go to see. I rather have my little ranch, I guess, and see what I can around me...on horseback!

4. What flaw do you most dislike in yourself?

See number #2.

5. What career did you most want as a child, and if you are not doing that now, what changed your mind?

I wanted to be an artist, a teacher, a doctor, a veterinarian, a lawyer, a singer, an actor, and a writer. What changed my mind was money, either money for schooling for things that would make a good living or insecurity of making a good living in the arts. However, you know the Lord is good. I have been all those things through educating myself, sometimes out of necessity, and always through listening to the Lord when He provided the opportunity, just without any degrees.

6. Why do you blog, what purpose to you hope to achieve by blogging?

I wrote about this some time ago: Why I blog...?

I would add to that lengthy post that I like looking back and seeing what I was doing, what I hoped to do, what I was going through, et cetera. After writing a blog for about a year and a half, I am intrigued by the changes and those things unchanged in my life; there is a greater awareness in the passage of time.

7. What one modern invention would you mind giving up the most, and why did you choose that one?

How modern are we talking about here? I mean, I would not want to go back to washing clothes by hand or not have a refrigerator! Other than that it would be my computer and Internet service for obvious reasons.

~ Thank you, my Lord, for friends who care about me and please bless them. ~