Monday, October 18, 2010

When in Blogland, Do as the Bloggers Do

Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves, but deal in our privacy with the last honesty and truth. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ganeida tagged me here, I think it was just a ploy to get me to start blogging again, as I must seem to be out of practice...?

1. What is the one moment in your life you would love to live over again & why?

Hm, most people want to do things different when they look back, but I am one to never look back and certainly not to change it but move on with the wisdom gained. However, I have never really considered what moment I would like to live over, I mean, isn't that what memories are, a reliving of moments? I really don't know that I could pick one or...perhaps I have not had that "one moment" yet?

2. Which historical figure would you like to meet & what is the one thing you'd really like to ask them? [yes, I know I'm sorta cheating. lol]

One? That is just so difficult. I would love to have seen and listened to Jesus in the flesh, but what would I ask Him? I would like to ask Paul what exactly was that thorn in the flesh. Eve, just why did you listen to that serpent? Solomon, where was the wisdom in marrying idol worshipers? Noah, so were there really dinosaurs on the ark?

3. What is your Heart's Desire?

My heart's desire is to please my Lord. Actually, all along the way He has given me my heart's desire: a good marriage to a Christian man, good health, a talented, home-educated child, a home, security, and gifts for which I asked. I am content. If He would grant me three more things on this earth that would be very pleasing to me: publish my book on my research in an alternative health method; my artwork, to be motivated to work on it regularly, do some shows, and actually sell some of it; and own a bit of land with milking and meat goats, rabbits, a couple of horses, a food garden, and a large country kitchen.

4. What is your most irrational fear ~ & are you game to share it here?

My deepest fear is that the talks I have had with my Lord are just all made up in my mind.

5. Cat person or Dog lover?

I am both, but my current cat has definitely lessened my love for indoor-only cats. I like them better outside, as they seem to be healthier and do useful things like keeping the rodent population down or the squirrels from stealing peaches out of the tree before they are ripe and we get any. I would like a couple of good barn cats, but I also like having a well-trained guard dog.

6. If you could be a tree what would you be & why?

LOL! I am trying to imagine why I would even want to be a tree! I suppose I would like to be a weeping willow, because they have very strong trunks; slender, flexible branches that move gracefully with the smallest of breezes and give way to the most turbulent gusts of winds; an impressive root system, which is known to go up to five times the width of the tree, but also will go quite deep in the right type of soil; they look so peacefully serene near water; and their leaves and bark contain salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin that has been used for centuries by many cultures to relieve pain and fever. It could be all that or just that my grandfather had a huge one in his yard and my aunt did as well, so I have fond memories of them.

7. When you meet Jesus what is the one thing you really, really want to say to Him?

If I have really been talking to Him, as I believe I have, I probably have already said everything I can think to say. Anything at that point would be repeated, so I think I would just say, "Thank you, my Lord."

Now I do not have seven blogs that I follow nor do I have seven questions to ask at this time. However, Ganeida, I will get back to you with some questions of my own one day.

~ Thank you, my Lord. ~