Monday, May 25, 2009

Creating a Curriculum of Creation

God gave man the challenge of raw materials -- not the ease of finished things. He left the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation. ~Unknown

Is there anything, other than God himself, that confounds the mind more that trying to imagine nothingness? No time, no space, no matter, no light, and perhaps even no darkness--just nothing. Could such an existence even be possible? I don't know, but I believe whatever there is or has ever been, it has been created by my Lord. We think we are creative, but in truth we can only manipulate what exists within the laws of science, also created by my Lord. In essence, our Creator gives us what we need to create. Our creative processes require effort, intelligence, and desire. Is this not the essence of God? Why else would He bother with us if He had no desire to watch what we do with and within his works?

I have found describing my Lord and all He created to a child is a delightful, yet daunting, task. When the Princess was four years old, I started writing a curriculum based on the six days of Creation, because I never could find any like the one I had in my own mind that I wanted. I stepped away from it about two years ago for several reasons. One, the homeschooling curriculum market is pretty saturated now days and I thought probably few would be that interested so if it was just for us, I did not need to write it all out. Two, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with things that were happening within our lives. Three, there was little more I could add to our lessons when our tug-of-war with math was taking so much of time.

I have several science resources, some of which are excellent, out-of-print books that I cannot cite as a reference except for us, but whenever I think of doing science in a structured way, I am again strongly drawn to designing one based on the Creation Week. There are science curricula with that same basic idea available and they have their good points...but either they don't have enough depth or they don't cover enough. (I don't know, I guess I am just too picky or maybe the Lord placed this on my heart.) So, I decided to look over what I had down so far, thinking I would have to vastly change it because I started writing it with a four year old in mind, even though I meant for it to be for multiple levels possibly up into the junior high school levels.

Anyway, as I am reading through it and some of my side notes for revisions, I found myself thinking, "Hey, this is a really good curriculum. I would buy this in a heartbeat." I know, of course I would like it because I am making it exactly the way I want it to be, but the point is that the Princess could have done much of it at four years old and she will still get so much more out of it at eight years old. Now, here I am wondering if I am the only one on the planet who will think this is a good curriculum or if it might have market so that I can make a bit of extra money doing something I am probably going to do anyway. I guess I have plenty of time to consider that answer because I have a long ways to go in completing it.

Opinions are welcomed on the preview of the first lessons:
Lesson 1: Before Time Unit 1
Lesson 2: Before Time Unit 2
Lesson 3: Day 1-Time Unit 1
Lesson 4: Day 1-Time Unit 2
Lesson 5: Day 1-Time Unit 3

My Lord, I thank you for creating so many wonders to keep us intrigued and amazed. I invite You to guide this project completely. Do with it what You will.