Friday, January 7, 2011

Decluttering Challange for 2011

Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. ~William Morris

My friend Birbitt has proposed an interesting challenge in decluttering the home in her post "Ending the clutter." If you have followed my blog for a time, you know that clutter bothers me and decluttering overwhelms me as I have written about it a few times, but Birbitt has a easy plan that chips away at the clutter.

She has proposed that one item for each day of the month must be removed from the home by the last day of the month; that would be thirty-one items on or before January 31st. This must be a item one would not typically throw into the trash but items taking space in the home that can be sold, donated, or thrown away.

I have decided to accept the challenge with some tweaks that work better for me with my situation. What items I do not plan to donate or toss away, I will list on craigslist to sell and then place it into our yard sale stack, which technically is still inside my home, but once there are not taken back out. If it does not sell on craigslist, we will try selling in a yard sale in Florida next time we go there to visit my husband's mother. What is left over from that sale does not come back but will be donated there.

January is going to be fairly easy, but I am wondering about doing this for an entire year: 365 items! It seems like so much and yet I probably do have that and more that I do not need. I probably have about half of that in my yard sale stack already, but I am not going to count those things although I am going to try to list them on craigslist along with the items I will this in this challenge.

One of the things that helps me decide if something is worth keeping is asking myself this: If we were moving, would I bother wrapping and packing this item to take with us?

Soooo...are you up for the challege?

I am so excited! I have to start listing things on craigslist soon!

~ My Lord, this is a true challenge for me and I would like to have less things in my home that are simply things. Please bless Birbitt and all the others she will inspire to declutter one item for each day of 2011. ~