Sunday, December 19, 2010

Advent Day 19

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. ~Psalm 55:6


Reading: In ancient times, it was believed that when Christ comes down from the heavens, he takes the shape of a dove. To this day, the Dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit.

Most everyone sees the dove as a symbol of peace and Christians also see it as the symbol for the Holy Spirit. We have a dove ornament for our Christmas tree. It is one of the Princess' favorites that she wants to place on it herself, because it requires finding just the right grouping of branches for it to rest upon. Resting is one thing I look forward to at Christmas time and much of it is not that restful, but holidays are breaks from the ordinary routines and it is obvious to me that God thought such things were good for us, else He would not have commanded us to take one day out of the week to devote to resting and worshiping Him.

~ My Lord, thank you for each moment of peace and the invitation to rest in You. ~