Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Advent Day 22

That quest for something pretty. A cheat. A cliche. Flowers and Christmas lights, it's what we're programmed to love. ~Chuck Palahniuk


Reading: According to Mexican legend, many, many years ago, a poor child knelt before the baby Jesus in the manager in the center square. She didn't have any money or a gift, so she picked the weeds from below her and placed them at the foot of the manger. Suddenly, the weeds burst into blooms of brilliant red, and all who saw them were certain there witnessed a Christmas miracle.

Being originally from a northern state, I did not realize until I spent some time in Florida that poinsettias can become huge bushes. They are quite lovely, but their bright red coloring is not half appreciated surrounded by greenery in the bleaching sunshine as it is in stark snow-whiteness of winter.

~ My Lord, we were made to appreciate pretty things, things that You created. Thank you for it all. ~